Vibrating dewatering and spreading table

Vibrating de-watering and spreading tables are the first machines used in the sorting chain. They are used to drain the grapes, distribute them evenly and, in some cases, sift out particles smaller than the berries. Thanks to vibrations produced by two motors, the grapes are moved along an inclined stainless steel plate. These tables can also be used for manual sorting and include options such as magnetic sorting to remove metallic elements. They are designed for easy cleaning and comply with safety standards.

Draining and spreading vibrating table

Draining and spreading vibrating tables are the first element in the sorting chain. They have two or three functions, depending on the options:
  • Draining the harvest before it goes into the destemmer or onto a manual sorting table.
  • Spreading out the harvest before it passes over a manual sorting table.
  • Selective sieving of particles smaller than the grape berries.

They can also be used as a small manual sorting table, either before or after the destemmer, to complete the manual cleaning of the harvest.
Schéma d'une table de tri vibrante d'égouttage et d'étalement
Diagram of a vibrating sorting, draining and spreading table

Operating principle

The operating principle consists of setting up an assembly in resonance by means of two motors rotating at an identical frequency. The amplitude of the vibration generated enables the grapes to be spread out and moved forward on a slightly inclined plate.
The throughputs authorised by this technique, which is also used for reception bins, do not exceed 30 t/h.
The smallest models have a throughput of around 5 t/h.

The main factors

The main criteria to be taken into account are

The vibrating plate

Made of stainless steel, the fine perforations allow the juice to pass through. The vibrations allow the drained harvest to be conveyed to a linear or vibrating sorting table or any other harvest transfer device (conveyor belt, pump, etc.).
Plateau vibrant

The juice collection tank

Bac de récupérations des jus
Vibration allows the grapes to be drained more efficiently than static draining.
The result is a material that is easy to sort, consisting only of solid parts.
The juice can be reincorporated into the pump before vatting to facilitate the transit of the harvest.

Vibration frequency and motorisation

The draining and spreading plate is fixed to the chassis by several 'silentblocks' that absorb the vibrations created by the motorisation.
The chassis remains stable on the work surface, with only the upper plate vibrating and setting the harvest in motion.

Draining and spreading the harvest

At the entrance to the table, there is an area for draining the harvest, comprising a spreading arm and a draining grid. The juice is collected in the pump located under the table and the destemmed harvest is guided towards the perforated vibrating plate.

Magnetic sorting

To protect downstream equipment, one manufacturer offers a magnetic separator as an option. This consists of a magnetised bar located above the passage of the harvest, whose role is to retain the metallic elements present in the harvest.

Screening using adjustable bars

Recent models now incorporate adjustable bar sieving to eliminate some of the undesirable waste in the vatted harvest, such as petioles, millerandage berries and pips.
A grid placed under the bars filters this waste, and the juice is collected under this grid in a box.
The bars can be adjusted to suitthe size of the particles to be rejected.

Cleaning and accessibility

Ease of cleaning is an important factor in the hygiene and lifespan of the table. If the components cannot be dismantled, the various parts of the table must nevertheless be easily accessible so that it can be thoroughly cleaned.

Safety and protection

The equipment must comply with current legislation. In particular: ease of stopping. protection of entry points. protection of motors and control elements. wheel locks for mobile equipment.

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