Effluent storage

Winegrowing produces winegrowing effluent and phytosanitary effluent, each of which requires appropriate storage methods to minimise environmental impact and ensure safety. Wine-growing effluents contain organic matter, while phytosanitary effluents are made up of chemical residues. Rigorous management that complies with regulations is essential to protect soil, water and public health.
As an agricultural and industrial activity, winegrowing generates various types of effluent that require rigorous management to minimise their environmental impact and guarantee the safety of workers and consumers. Wine-growing effluents fall into two main categories: wine-growing effluents and phytosanitary effluents.
Each of these effluents has its own specific characteristics and requires appropriate storage methods.

Wine-growing effluents mainly come from winemaking activities and the cleaning of equipment and facilities. It contains organic matter such as grape residues, yeast, sugars and cleaning products.
Phytosanitary effluents, on the other hand, are made up of residues of chemical products used to protect vines against diseases and parasites, such as pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

Effluent management in winegrowing is crucial to prevent soil and water pollution, protect biodiversity and ensure public health. Effluent storage practices must comply with current environmental regulations and incorporate strict safety measures to prevent accidents and spills.
Stockage d'effluents en bassin ouvertStorage of effluent in open basins

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