Weather sensor

Where there is a risk of frost, weather sensors are the tool for triggering and controlling active control equipment. Temperature (dry, wet), hygrometry and wind speed are major factors that need to be known and recorded in order to analyse different situations and correlate them with observations in the vineyard. These data can be used to measure the performance of the equipment used. The addition of a forecasting model is necessary to anticipate any intervention.
Capteurs température hygrométrie
Where there is a risk of frost, weather sensors are used to trigger and control active pest control equipment. Temperature (dry, wet), humidity and wind speed are major factors that need to be known and recorded in order to analyse different situations and correlate them with observations in the vineyard. These data can be used to measure the performance of the equipment used. The addition of a forecasting model is necessary to anticipate any intervention.

Temperature and hygrometry probe: at bud level

The purpose of this sensor is to monitor temperature and/or humidity in real time at bud level to help monitor changes in temperature and humidity, with the aim of initiating or stopping pest control at the right moment. In the case of frost control, the wet temperature is a factor to be taken into account when managing the triggering of control systems, particularly for spraying.

Weather station: forecasting model included

The weather station is standardised in terms of positioning height. Its purpose is to forecast and record weather data in order to anticipate intervention periods and then analyse the severity of the frost episode and the performance of the equipment.
Transmetteur temperature hygrometrie
Temperature and humidity transmitter

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